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2006 Annual Report

Message from Chair - Environmental Defence - The Proponent - The Application - The Case - Natural Environment - Transportation - Community - Hydrogeology - Financials - Public Activity Report - References - Volunteer Committee


The following condensed financial statements represent an extract from the annual audited financial statement of FORCE - Friends of Rural Communities & the Environment for the year ended December 31, 2006.

A complete set of statements, together with the report of our auditors, Martyn Dooley & Partners, Chartered Accountants is available on our website.

Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2006

2006 2005
Cash short term deposits $ 15,155 $ 36,555
Internally restricted short term deposits 100,000 50,000
Cash held in trust 50,000 -
Other current assets 550 600
$ 165,705 $ 87,155
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 2,319 $ 9,618
Externally restricted deferred contributions1 50,000 -
Total liabilities 52,319 9,618
Net Assets
Restricted net assets, hearing fund2 100,000 50,000
Unrestricted net assets 13,386 27,537
Total net assets 113,386 77,537
$ 165,705 $ 87,155

Statement of Operations
Year Ended December 31, 2006

2006 2005
  Environmental Defence Canada case support3 $ 55,403 $ -
  Individual contributions 20,074 91,470
Gala 19,245 -
  Business contributions 6,000 15,000
  Interest 2,667 1,355
  Tour de FORCE 1,350 -
104,739 107,825
  Allocation to externally restricted deferred contributions (50,000) -
Total Revenue 54,739 107,825
  Technical Experts
    Ecology 2,275 10,867
    Geographic information systems (2,881) 39,341
    Hydrogeology 2,862 12,383
    Legal 4,408 8,222
    Research materials 189 1,301
6,853 72,114
  Community Activities
    Community meeting expenses 103 770
    Newsletter delivery 820 -
    Flyer printing 2,139 497
    Signage 3,962 3,019
    Wristbands 1,072 -
8,096 4,286
  Expenses Related to Incorporation
    Insurance 2,323 2,295
2,323 2,295
  Operating Costs
    Bank service charges 72 47
    Meeting expenses 93 51
    Memberships 343 -
    Office supplies 552 302
    Parking 12 65
    Telephone 428 402
    Website 118 32
1,618 899
Total Expenses 18,890 79,594
Excess of Revenue over Expenses 35,849 28,231


  1. Externally restricted deferred contributions represent resources in the current period that are expert fees related to expected future judicial hearings.
  2. The directors have allocated $50,000 in 2006 and $50,000 in 2005 of the unrestricted net assets to a restricted fund to cover future legal costs.
  3. During 2006 FORCE entered into a strategic relationship with Environmental Defence Canada (EDC). The relationship allows FORCE supporters to contribute to EDC on behalf of FORCE. EDC in turn agrees to pay for various legal and technical experts expenses incurred by FORCE. EDC collects a 10% administration fee as part of this arrangement.


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