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Stop Light Monitor - Green


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2005 Annual Report

Message from Chair - The Process - The Community Case - Volunteer Committee - Financials - Public Activity Report - References


  1. Raven, Kenneth G.
    - Hydrogeologic Review Report - Proposes Lowndes Dolostone Quarry East Flamborough, City of Hamilton.
    Ottawa: Interra Engineering Ltd., March 2005.

  2. Cooper, Andrew J., & Mohr, Daniel S.
    - Geologic and Hydro geological Peer Review Proposed Dolostone Quarry, Hamilton, Lowndes Holding Corp.
    Newmarket: Jagger Hims Ltd., December 2005.

  3. Tegler, Brent
    - Preliminary Report of Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Lowndes Quarry, City of Hamilton.
    Cambridge: North-South Environmental Inc., January 2005.

  4. Rosenbloom, David
    - The Health Impact of a Limestone Aggregate Quarry in Flamborough. April 2005.

  5. Lightstone, A.D.
    - Environmental Noise Peer Review, Lowndes Holding Corp. Proposed Dolostone Quarry.
    Richmond Hill: Valcoustics Canada Ltd., September 2005.


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